MP wants people to be part of projects


SOUTH Bougainville MP Timothy Masiu wants the people to be involved in major development projects.
He is talking to potential investors, government agencies and foreign embassies and missions who have shown interest in investing and developing the electorate.
Masiu recently discussed with the Turiboiru Airport landowners of Buin and members of the Tonolei Landowners Association about being more involved in major development projects.
Masiu also met with landowners of the resource-rich Tonolei area and assured them of his support to identify and engage a genuine investor to develop the resources.
He advised the landowners to quickly organise their integrated landowner groups.
Last Thursday, the South Bougainville District Development Authority Board approved a joint venture between landowners in Bana district and the Jaba Resource Limited which has already identified projects.
Masiu said some investors had shown interest in South Bougainville and many of them would be visiting the electorate to look at potential investment opportunities.
He said South Bougainville needed at least two major economic projects to trigger other economic activities for the region.