MPs turning up on time


MPs filed into the Parliament chamber yesterday by 2.05pm with minutes to spare before Speaker Job Pomat walked in while the first bell was ringing.
Prime Minister James Marape and Deputy Prime Minister Sam Basil were present along with other senior members of cabinet.
Only Esa’ala MP Davis Steven sat at the Opposition side.
Pomat called for the start of Parliament with Minister for National Planning and Monitoring Rainbo Paita being asked to open the session with a prayer.
The start of the session was different to the Aug 10 sitting when the first ringing of the bell was ignored and Pomat adjourned Parliament to the next day at 10am.
The move by Pomat surprised Government members who had finished their caucus meeting and were unaware of the adjournment by the Speaker.
Clerk to Parliament Kala Aufa told The National on that day that a lack of quorum was the reason for the adjournment.
“Standing orders of Parliament state that sittings must be conducted on a timely basis.”