MPs urged to address needs of people living with disability


Thirty-two-year-old Smith Andake is deaf but he can read and write and is registered to vote in this election.
He is from Mul Baiyer Lumusa district in Western Highlands and is attached with the Mt Hagen Callan Service as an inclusive education teacher for the deaf.
He said it was important for MPs to understand the issues facing people living with disability and deal with those issues appropriately
He calls on the MPs to look at the needs of the deaf and blind and those in wheelchairs.
The Electoral Commission has acknowledged the rights of people living with disability to vote in the 2017 election.
Andake said that his name is already in the common roll and he is eligible to vote.
He is fighting for the rights of all PLWDs in Western Highlands and appealing to polling officials to help them cast their vote.
He said aids such as braille and sign language should be introduced so that PLWDs can exercise their democratic rights at elections.
Writing on a piece of paper, Andake said: “Leaders came and promised to help us but when they entered parliament, they  forgot us,” he said.