MPs warned not to double-dip funds


NEW members of Parliament have been warned not to use the service improvement programme funds allocated to them for personal gain.
Ombudsman Richard Pagen said during the start of an induction programme yesterday they were entitled to so many benefits and privileges as MPs and must not double-dip into public funds.
“Over the past years, we have seen that those referred to leadership tribunal by the Ombudsman Commission were seen to have abused their discretionary powers by digging into the district and provincial service improvement programme funds (DSIP, PSIP).
“These DSIP and PSIP funds are for developments. It’s not for MPs to purchase their airline tickets from the electorate to Port Moresby, or to buy their office vehicles,” Pagen said.
“All their entitlements are covered in their remuneration package.
“For ministers, their salary and remuneration package as approved by the Salary and Remuneration Committee covers all those including vehicles, accommodation – everything.”
He said the service improvement programme funds were specifically for developments.
“The money is allocated for developments and service to be delivered to the people who elected you to bring them services lacking in your province and electorates.
“As members of Parliament you are entitled to sufficient privileges and benefits under your salary and remuneration package and there is no point of using those funds allocated for services.
“It is vital that we protect our integrity and do the right thing for ourselves as a leader and most importantly, serve the people.”