Mt Hagen cops to work with securities


MT Hagen police are looking into forging a partnership with security firms to enhance security in the city for business houses and the public, police legal officer Superintendent John Sagom says.
“Security firms can be the additional eyes and ears for policing and crime prevention,” he said.
“They can alert us on crime outbreaks to help us respond swiftly.”
Sagom said security firms had been helpful in many cases that included armed robberies and burglaries.
“Most of the time, the security guards are the first witnesses,” he added.
Sagom said the partnership would include providing free training for security guards on how to react swiftly and report crimes.
“The trainings will be facilitated by police to teach security guards on how well they can report incidents to police prior to them (police) arriving at the scene,” he said.
“This is especially important when responding to serious cases.”