Too much controversy over Sabbath day


THERE is so much controversy that is frequently propagated in the media and more intensified on the premises of church denominations about which day is more important above the other days in a week, and of the months throughout each year.
The sects which strictly try to keep and enforce the last day of each week holy, but often miserably keep breaking the fourth commandment; they cannot force the other faith groups to shift onto their lane, or otherwise adopt a culture that they are not mandated to harbour.
We can argue on and on endlessly but no one wins.
If we really love God, we ought to give him the first place in our life and including; the First Day of the week which was given the pagan name ‘Sunday’ while the last day of each week was also named as ‘Saturday’- a Latin word, depicting Saturn which is one of the planets in our solar system and circled by broad flat rings; and worshipped by the pagans in the ancient times.
Saturday was accepted in our calendar system as the seventh day.

Alphonse Roy
Outback countryside
Ramu Basin