Murder charge follows beer session


A-43-YEAR-OLD man appeared in the Waigani committal court charged with murder in an incident that involved alcohol.
John Moi, from Kepai village in Chuave, Chimbu, appeared before Magistrate Ernest Wilmot last Tuesday and the case was adjourned for a hearing on Sept 24.
It was alleged that, on Aug 31, at the Holy Rosary Primary School at 6-Mile, Port Moresby, Moi and his nephew had a drink with Bomai Wai, the victim.
Moi’s nephew was living with the victim and had just returned from work, which led to them drinking.
An argument arose between Moi and Wai after they had finished drinking.
The nephew came in to assist Moi and pushed the victim, causing him to fall over.
Moi was alleged to have picked up a rock and threw it down at the victim’s face while he was still down on the ground.
The rock smashed Wai’s face, causing him to bleed extensively.
Moi and his nephew escaped while Wai was taken to hospital; he died on the way.
Wai’s family was notified of the incident and they reported the matter to police.
Moi was charged with murder and detained.