Murder suspect refused bail

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A 32-year-old woman accused of killing her husband at 8-Mile, Port Moresby, last month, was read her charge in the Waigani Committal Court but told she could not get bail because the court did not have that power.
Magistrate Danny Wakikura told Saina Paraka, of Tomba village in Tambul-Nebilyer, Western Highlands, that her charge was too serious for the court to grant her bail.
“Any bail application for you shall be filed at the National Court as the committal court does not have the power to grant bail for such charge,” Magistrate Wakikura said.
Police alleged that between 1am and 2am on Jan 5, Paraka had an argument with husband Mela Mek near their house at 8-Mile settlement. Paraka was angry with Mek because he was drunk and allegedly got a kitchen knife and stabbed him on the chest.
Mek collapsed and bled to death.
It was alleged that Paraka left her husband’s body lying on the ground and fled.
The next morning, their neighbours found Mek’s body lying beside his house and reported it to police and Paraka was arrested and charged.