NBC faces tough competition

Main Stories, National

The National, Wednesday 24th of September, 2014

 THE State-owned National Broadcasting Corporation faces being driven out of business because 

of tough competition in the telecommunication industry, according to managing director Memafu Kapera.

And he attributed the company’s poor performance to “easy-going, public service attitude of NBC workers”, where things were not done with a sense of urgency.

“We all have chronic work-related issues,” he said. 

“Management is mindful of that.

“Each staff will sign a performance-based agreement and performance-based contract. 

“We will hold them accountable for their performance. If they cannot perform, their positions will be advertised.”

Kapera said competing with newcomers to the industry was “all about management”.

“We need to change, to adapt to the way the world is operating now,” he said.

Kapera said one new telecommunication industry was trying to tap into NBC’s nationwide news service.

“Of course, we have local presence all over the country and they are trying to go into partnership with us,” he said.

“The world is getting smaller. Content is the number one priority right now.” Kapera said the Kundu Two television station performance in the past six years since its inception left a lot to be desired.

“Everything boils down to money,” he said 

“You need capital to be able to improve services right across the country.”