NCDC law enforcers going out of control

Letters, Normal

The National, Friday January 24th, 2013

 THE recently commissioned NCDC police personnel and RPNGC regulars attached to the commission urgently need a complete overhaul. 

Citizens of NCD, including rough cops, should appreciate all the mega developments in the city. 

Apart from the many NCDC programmes, the newly-approved buai ban has procreated a new breed of rough  cops  and  the  police  hierarchy is deliberately ignoring the situation.

We  earnestly  request that NCD and Central Commander Andy Bawa, Commissioner Tom Kulunga and Governor Powes Parkop investigate the following matters:

  • NCDC police (regulars and reserves) using excessive force and often physically assaulting suspects when executing the buai ban, the liquor licensing act, public marketing and so forth; 
  • The police threatening and assaulting people as well as forcefully confiscating buai, liquor and other commodities without declaring the items;
  • The police in NCD and Central selling buai in the city at 300-500% profit at K3-5;
  • Buai, alcohol and other items being transported in and out of Central and Gulf provinces using police vehicles and resources; and,
  • Drivers and crew in unmarked NCDC police vehicle with tinted windows are under the influence of liquor.

I suggest the following remedies for these issues:

  • Bawa to deploy an investigation team to process all allegations;
  • All  NCDC  police  vehicles  to be searched at random;
  • All tints from NCDC police vehicles to be removed and to have NCDC  or  RPNGC registration plates installed;
  • Set up a special unit with telephone, email, Facebook and other effective  communication  methods  to allow the general public and victims report activities without intimidation; 
  • The internal affairs unit of RPNGC to be given a kick to effectively process complaints lodged by intimidated victims of criminal elements within the force; and,
  • Conduct an internal affairs awareness campaign nationwide to spell out responsibilities of officers.


Concerned citizen, Via email