Need help? Call the toll-free number, says church counsellor


A church social worker is urging members of the public to take note of the toll-free numbers to the free Wantok counselling service displayed in public places and seek assistance when in need.
Salvation Army’s Captain Velena Gomara said the Wantok counselling number, 7150800, was posted at bus stops and other public areas for people to call and find out about the service.
“I assure the public that this service is effective,” Gomara said.
She said during an awareness on referral pathways for survivors of violence that they issued the toll-free number and after some time, that number came in handy when an adult male was referred to police for allegedly assaulting an 11-year-old girl.
“The family of the girl called and said the man wanted to settle this outside of court,” Gomara said.
She said they were advised against the perpetrator’s wish and were guided on the processes and procedures to follow and have the perpetrator prosecuted.
Gomara said Salvation Army’s Justice for Children division located at the National Court House in Wagani provided counselling and guidance on child adoption and all forms of violence affecting women and children.
“We also assist couples who are having marital issues,” Gomora told The National.