New classrooms solve issue of overcrowding

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OVERCROWDING will not be an issue for students attending Ponol Primary School at Tamal in Lower Kagul, Western Highlands.
This is because the school now has a new building that contains three classrooms that was funded by the National Gaming Control Board (NGCB) for K125,000.
Since the Government’s free education policy was in place, classrooms have become a big problem for schools.
Ponol Primary located in the Tambul-Nebilyer electorate was fortunate when NGCB  made funding available to the Office of the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill for the classrooms.
Former local MP Vincent Auwali managed to locate the funding.
Western Highlands Governor Paias Wingti gave K60,000, community leader James Kennedy gave K20,000 and Thomas Nekints from Nebilyer gave K1000 towards the school during the opening ceremony for the building on Saturday.