New road records 21 accidents

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TWENTY-ONE motor vehicle accidents have occurred along the new four-lane road in Mt Hagen, Western Highlands, with police issuing a warning to vehicle owners to observe traffic rules in the city.
There were five fatalities from the 21 accidents, while 16 people were hospitalised and spent weeks in intensive care.
The accidents occurred after the new road was completed in the beginning of 2020.
Speeding is the main cause of the accidents with drink driving also another factor.
Assistant Comm of Police (ACP) eastern end Anton Billie said police had received various reports of minor and major accidents involving vehicles and pedestrians who continue to disregard traffic laws.
He told The National that police had been issuing warnings to drivers to slow down but to no avail.
“Drivers think the new road is their race track, they think it’s their right to drive so fast from one end of the city to another and forget about the other road users,” he said.
“PMVs are one of the worst culprits, they do not stop at proper bus stops and they forget that passengers are on board. Drivers also forget, that big heavy trucks use the road bringing in containers from one province to another, they weave in and out of traffic at high speed.”
On Monday morning, another vehicle accident was reported with two people injured and rushed to hospital.
These two were the latest numbers added to the total of accidents reported to police.
Police will now be taking a more active approach to vehicles in the province.
ACP Billie said vehicles deemed unworthy would be given traffic infringement notices and dealt with by police.
“This means if your vehicle does not have proper mirrors, lights are not working, wheels are wobbly or if you are speeding, you will pay a fine,” he said.
He called on vehicle owners to ensure their cars were roadworthy.


  • The four lane needs a median barrier to separate lanes in order to avoid further accidents in this very wild and remote planet on earth.

  • Drivers must always take extra precautions at all times when driving-accidents occurs due to drivers stupidity! I salute those drivers that drives safely and follows traffic rules.

  • The four lane road design in Mt. Hagen is not built to proper standard. The road misses Median Barrier, No Roundabout to proper control traffic right of way, plenty of demarcation lines confusing drivers therefore the road should be condemned from use and rebuild again to meet safety standard. It also signifies how incompetent the PNG Road Safety Body is. All in all the road is a laughing stock and mockery to us the people of Western Highlands and other road users.

  • There should be awarene run to educate these drivers, most took their licenses illegally.

  • The four-lane in Mt Hagen will continue to have accidents as it is not built to standard. Standard, I imply that there is no roundabout to pave way for vehicles to move from left to right or vice versa. There is no barrier between the two opposite lanes. Even buses are using the footpath to pick up and drop off passengers which is a risk .

  • Where is Department of Works? DoW is the statutory authority responsible for all public roads in the country. They issue their design specifications to contractors involved in the construction of roads and bridges during the design stage, and then supervise construction thereafter.

    If there were any design flaws then that should have been picked up during design review.

    DoW has failed to meet its due diligence obligations here.

  • Yes Aussie, more awareness is needed. Let it sink in the ‘coconuts’ of the drivers that speeding kills. Other wise it is a good road. Only drivers attitude need to change. Back to you traffic police division and road transport authority, do more awareness using every available means and save lives from future accidents along the new roads in Mt Hagen.

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