NFA eying Jayapura market


NATIONAL Fisheries Authority (NFA) acting managing director Justin Ilakini says Jayapura in Indonesia is a huge market for PNG fisheries products.
Ilakini initially discussed with PNG’s Consular-General in Jayapura on how to tap into that market and business engagements from both provinces.
“Jayapura is a massive market just waiting to be tapped,” Ilakini said.
“Due to the fact that they have a propensity to consume fish at a much higher rate than Papua New Guinea, they are a fish eating nation.
“The major protein is fish so you won’t go wrong in terms of selling fish or targeting that market.”
Yesterday in Port Moresby, a design documentation of the Vanimo fisheries hub facility was presented to the NFA and West Sepik Governor Tony Wouwou and provincial administrator Conrad Tilau.
“Jayapura is a massive market due to the fact that the demand for fish is massive and for so long, we have not really targeted that market and with the strategic location of Vanimo, with initial discussion with the Consular-General, they are willing to assist us provided that our proposal and our business arrangement is bankable, then people from the other side, the business people can work with our people, to participate in those kind of opportunities with the market that is provided on the other side,” he said.