NFA to use standards document for growth


THE National Fisheries Authority (NFA) will use its PNG Standards for Fish and Fishery Products 2019 document to ensure the industry’s growth and long term viability, managing director John Kasu says.
“NFA will use the standard to encourage, promote and maintain quality controls, maintain sustainability, technological advancement, knowledge transfer and greater participation,” he said.
“A key feature of the second review revision of the Standard of Fish and Fishery Products is that it aligns to the Fisheries Act in relation to sections and penalties and provides clear regulatory compliance framework for the industry to operate.
“There has been a lot of consultation carried out and the work started in 2017 and a lot have participated in the review.
“These legal instrument paves the way for us to ensure that we are adhering to the world’s best standards and practices in maintaining food security, resource security, sustainability and most importantly, safety standards,” he said.
“These are concepts for an operating environment in supporting the further growth of industry in PNG in providing clear, defined industry requirements and import controls for the processing and export of fish and fishery products.
“The development and review of the standards from time to time speaks of the mandatory role and responsibility of the NFA under the Fisheries Management Act 1998 and the amended one.
“That is basically to control and manage all PNG’s fisheries resources.”