NHC official’s case adjourned


NATIONAL Housing Corporation (NHC) acting managing director Elizabeth Bowada, who is facing fraud related charges, made her second court appearance on Friday.
Bowada, 41, of Okaikado village in Losuia, Milne Bay, is charged with a count each of misappropriation, false pretence and abuse of office.
Waigani Committal Court Magistrate Dessie Kaputin Magaru said the case was still within the three-month period and adjourned her case to Sept 29 for further mention.
Her bail of K1,500 was also extended.
Bowada was alleged to have between April 24, 2018 and Jan 15, 2020, dishonestly applied to her own use K118,486.01 belonging to NHC.
Bowada allegedly obtained from NHC seven different Bank South Pacific (BSP) cheques totaling K19,000 and other payments received totaling K99,468.01 – all adding up to K118, 468.01 – paid herself for loss salaries, contravening section 404(1) (a) of the Criminal Code Act.
She was also alleged to have between the same dates falsely pretended to have been reinstated by the National and Supreme Court.
It was also alleged that Bowada being employed in the public service by NHC as a senior legal officer, enabled herself remuneration claimed to be payable to herself by lodging a false claim of K156, 983.67 for loss of salaries.
She was alleged to have been terminated by NHC on Sept 13, 2012, for illegally facilitating the sale of two NHC prime properties (Sect 24, Lot 17, Angau Dr, Boroko and Sect 77, Lot 22, Kaia St, Korobosea in Port Moresby.)

One thought on “NHC official’s case adjourned

  • Terminated ! How re-employed ? A professional legal officer , and deliberately abusing the office for personal use – pure corruption practiced by a learned legal officer , a very professional negligence of the worse kind. The higher courts should consider disbanding such corrupt and incompetent lawyers from practicing and send them to prison….

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