No need for expats, says Labour boss


MINISTER of Labour and Industrial Relations Mehrra Kipefa says the country has enough technical skills people to operate and therefore does not need expatriates.
The department is looking at developing the national workforce, increasing number of apprentices by next year and decentralising programmes.
Kipefa said that in the past, experts from the outside were needed but today there was enough skilled locals.
He said expatriates were only needed in downstream processing, and as production
specialists in the oil and gas industry.
Kipefa said there were many engineers in the country.
“We believe that Papua New Guinea can develop its own tradesmen,” he said.
“We don’t need people from outside to train us.
“The country is more concerned with local tradesmen and to promote skills.”
Kipefa said his department would start promoting apprenticeship and look for more sponsors to train locals.