Northern gets new market as independence gift

The new Oro Kaiva Market opened in Popondetta, Northern, on Monday was gifted to the people of Oro to commemorate the country’s 46th Independence anniversary. – Picture supplied

THE people of Northern were presented their 46th Independence anniversary gift through the opening of the new Oro Kaiva Market on Monday.
The market boasts a much larger space compared to the old one and with new facilities.
Working with the Northern Province Resources Ltd (provincial government business arm), HQH Ltd built the market through a public-private partnership arrangement with the provincial government.
The market was opened for official business on Tuesday and will see the gate taking fees as revenue for the business arm.
Governor Gary Juffa acknowledged HQH for the partnership.
“We want all investors to give back to the province,” he said.
“The provincial business arm is here for that purpose.
“To work together with businesses that are investing in our province.
“Oro has always been seen as agriculturally rich, with a diverse range of garden foods and soil so rich with nutrients that literally any crop can be grown in it.”
Juffa said it has been this Government’s focus to equip the people with relevant skill sets to sustainably farm their land and also provide the best facilities for them to sell produce at competitive prices.
“This is not just limited to garden crops but also commodities such as cocoa, coffee and vanilla to name a few,” he said.