OBE curriculum crippling PNG


THE Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) curriculum is seen as a corrupt system introduced to cripple the nation intellectually and economically.
Over the ages, the bulk of the population was affected from the impacts of this so-called system.
Approximately three quarters of the population in the country were illiterate.
Therefore, only a minority are literate.
On the same note, every academic year, the figure of grade 12 drop-outs rises while the space quota in tertiary institutions either declines or remains congruent.
This indicates an inverse relationship between both variable factors.
Most of the capable candidates are always omitted from securing a spot in universities and colleges because the system does not recognise their potential.
Likewise, some may graduate with a diploma or bachelor but yet could be an active job seeker for years.
Those are some of the visible cons associated with the kind of system practiced in the country.
As a result, it triggers a high rate of unemployment and issues in society (i.e law and order).
Most high school drop outs consider criminal activities, engaging in illegal activities just to sustain themselves.
Unemployment is not about illiterate people not having a formal job, it’s referring to those civilised intellectuals who obtained or attained a degree of knowledge and skills from a recognised institution but are still jobless.
In relation to unemployment in the country, the recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus has also posed an immense threat on our economy.
The question is; how can the economy flourish or regain its monetary power when the workforce is unproductive?
We urgently need a vibrant and visionary government that can bring along transformation and reformation in our education system.

Sine Able John,
Gunangi, Uwikena Gaul


  • Wonderful picture of primitive classroom in PNG while elites drive around in aircon cars
    You past PMs and Ministers and MPs bow your heads in shame

  • Abe- i totally 100% agree with you as i was a guinea pig to that sub-standard education system (OBE).
    But by God’s grace is all over for me but the consequences on the majority of the educated population iineviable. Australia has played PNG fool goodand proper

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