OBE, oppression before enslavement

Letters, Normal

AS a Papua New Guinean, I am saddened by what I read and continue to read about the outcome-based education (OBE).
English teachers of secondary schools in Morobe say the level of written and spoken English is dropping and blame the OBE for the demise, saying it should be done away with.
People need to understand the appalling situation, honestly debate it and act accordingly – and quickly.
The OBE story is a serious cause for alarm and concern.
Look at it this way.
Give a select group of students a decent education for 15 years and you will produce intelligent and potential leaders for industry and government.
Now, give another group of students crap education for 15 years and you will produce mediocre and poor leaders.
PNG introduced OBE 15 years ago.
Soon, we will see the mass production of a mediocre and poorly skilled workforce.
Do we hear what the teachers are saying?
They do not know where the English curriculum starts or ends.
Students are thrown in at the deep end.
Previously, they were taught spelling, vocabulary, grammar and writing, but not with the new curriculum.
This is a travesty.
We cannot allow our children to be poisoned and dumped like this.
The quality of education has been sacrificed – resulting in ruined lives.
This is flawed national policy, planning, and strategy.
St Joseph’s International Catholic College in Port Moresby aptly described OBE as DOA (dead on arrival) during a recent inter-school debate.
It was spot on.
Let’s not kid ourselves.
PNG is blindly following a path engineered by foreign consultants that will lead to death in knowledge and skills.
Our education system has been hijacked and remotely controlled by so-called donors.
The truth is being ignored by the Education secretary and his planners and strategists in Waigani.
The time has come for parents, guardians and concerned Papua New Guineans to reject the OBE curriculum before we end up with a huge pool of ill-educated people in this country.
It is a disaster that is about to happen.
This doctored OBE or “oppression before enslavement” tactic has no relevance and place in my beautiful PNG – abolish it now.


Corney K Alone
Via email