Officials call for city league to hold annual general meeting


THE Port Moresby Rugby Football League (POMRFL) board must hold its annual general meeting (AGM) before the pre-season and regular competition, according to officials.
A joint statement from several club representatives last week said that the current board’s term had expired in 2019.
However, it continued to defer the election of a new board and the cancellation of the 2020 AGM was worrying in the league’s administrative priorities.
The statement said the board did not have the power to start the competition or the Mineral Resource Development Company (MRDC) nines pre-season tournament as the AGM, with the election of a new board, was the priority for 2021.
“We have to get our priorities right and conduct the AGM first and then the competition,” the club representatives said.
“There are nominees for the new board which have been endorsed and supported by a number of clubs which call for change in the management of the oldest premier league in the country.”
The statement added that “the 14 affiliated clubs have the powers and rights as the owners of POMRFL with the board and its administration sitting in as custodians”.
Meanwhile, Dobo Warriors head coach Norris Selu said the four-week national isolation strategy had affected preparations for the nines tournament with players still unfit.
“The start of the lockdown had affected us for the last three to four weeks,” he said.
Selu said the teams were not allowed to train in groups and because of that their players were all unfit and were not ready to play in the nines.