One dead, tensions flare

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A MAN was knifed to death at 9-Mile in the National Capital District yesterday, with police quickly stepping in to defuse tension between groups from two provinces.
Gordon police station commander Insp Mark Mosinakave appealed to the two groups to stop further violence and allow police investigate the killing.
Police are looking for a suspect who fled after the incident at the 9-Mile settlement in Moresby North East.
Police said the deceased was originally from Gulf.
The suspect is from a Highlands province, whose home was set on fire by angry youths yesterday after the incident.
The two are understood to be related.
A Port Moresby police team are patrolling the area to prevent a further escalation of violence.
Police are appealing to community leaders and family members to round up the suspect and take him to the police station.
Late last year, a similar clash between people living in a settle down the highway at 8-Mile resulted in the death of a university student.
Homes were destroyed during the clash.