O’Neill deserves to be given another decade


Allow me space to summarize the achievements of various Prime Minister’s since independence so voters can vote the right political parties to form the next government in July.
Firstly, Sir Michael Thomas Somare under Pangu Pati delivered political independence for PNG but his kitchen cabinet under
National Alliance had misappropriated public funds for cronies and nothing to show on the ground.
Only one former Minister paid the price by being in Bomana.
Sir Julius under his People’s Progress Party mishandled the Bougainville crises and opted to hire South African Mercenaries to wipe the BRA and all living things back fired on him to stand down.
Pais Wingti, under People’s Democratic Movement Party, brought in all the Asians to take over the economy under its Look North Policy.
Sir Mekere Morauta’s reforms resulted in all state assets sold cheaply under the failed privatisation policy.
In fact, China’s state-owned enterprises have taken the business world by storm to generate investment and massive wealth for China to be the second largest economy.
The People’s National Congress under Peter O’Neill has really defined service delivery to the district level, a feat never seen from 1975 to 2012.
Peter O’Neill deserves to be given another decade to change PNG from a Third World to a First World within our generation.

Galaxy Spencer, Via email