Opinion criticised


I AM against the opinion of GS titled ‘Mixing God’s word with politics’ that appeared in The National on Monday (May 6).
GS in the first sentence said something about people dramatising their… political opinion…for the wrong reason.
That statement is absurd as everyone has his or her point of view about the current government and judging by the current economic downturn the country is facing, anyone could easily perceive the need for change, in fact, a complete overhaul of the borrowing and spending spree.
Why this could be wrong as suggested by GS is unreasonable unless GS lives overseas and has failed to notice the rise of white elephant projects, the massive increase in basic goods and services costs, hiccups in the wages of public servants, the weakening of PNG Kina against the US dollars, etc.
Secondly GS claimed that Peter O’Neill was anointed by God to lead PNG and that O’Neill’s overthrowing of the Somare government was a divine intervention.
Such a view does not hold water at all given the different spectrum of beliefs held by different people.
Besides, to say that God directly intervenes in modern politics is a baseless suggestion for the same reason as stated.

Timothy Nigaul