Organic honey healthy, free of pesticides: Luana


ORGANIC honey from Eastern Highlands has been touted as healthy and free of pesticides or environment pollutants by businesswoman Dorothy Luana.
Luana is the owner of Devine Management Services. It specialises in real estate, producing organic herbs, and acts as a distributor for small-medium enterprises.
She told of how she struggled earlier with an illness which drive her to herbal medicine.
“In the beginning of 2015 I left my formal job and decided to focus on my health to keep me alive,” she said.
“I began to study and practise the consumption of local food and herbs – with so many people surrounding me who had herbal practices and having health practitioners as friends.
Their advices were easy to follow.”
In October last year, she had a successful operation at the Pacific International Hospital and continued to focus on organic foods to help her recover.
She went to East New Britain for six months with some family members and got involved with Amruqa – a small family Virgin coconut oil farm.
The farm employs people to look after the spice crops and the distillation of essential oils.
“I was buying the pure essential oils for my personal use and brought it to Port Moresby.”
Individuals started to embrace the pure oils and wanted more,” she said.
She became a fulltime distributor.