Outbreak affecting CPL


CITY Pharmacy Ltd (CPL) managing director Mahesh Patel says the threat of the coronavirus is impacting the company’s operations as it has had to cancel some of its shipments into the country.
Responding to queries from The National, Patel said CPL was facing difficulties due to some measures put by the government to tighten security at some of the country’s main ports in attempts to stop the deadly virus from entering Papua New Guinea.
“It will cause some delays to our shipment of goods. We have had to cancel some orders as they will not arrive in time for promotions planned,” Patel said.
“It will also possibly delay our new warehouse opening as the racking will not get here in time.
“The business and market outlook cannot be determined at this stage because it is hard to tell how long the threat of the virus will last.”
He said CPL was taking measures to protect its employees from the virus as well.
“We have sent out multiple internal circulars about preventative measures and also done some training of staff in the stores.”
When asked about the recent exercises state agencies had undertaken to remove illegal traders in the city, he said the illegal trading operations had cost genuine business millions and “this momentum has to carry through all year around.”
“I also feel that genuine retailers should be given an accreditation so the shoppers are well aware where they shop,” Patel said.
“The Government’s vigilance on the matter has to be really serious and continue as they are missing out on taxes and revenues.
“Our people are not getting trained and also some people consume fake products which could have serious health impacts.”

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