Outburst by Paska disrespectful

Letters, Normal

The National, Monday 21st November 2011

THE outburst by John Paska last week on the voluntary surrender by the de­puty prime minister and attorney-general is disres­pectful.
I am not condoning the manner in which the two ministers went about in surrendering to police but the principle behind what they did and their show of respect for the laws of our country.
They are simply doing what our laws require everyone to do in such si­tuations.
If the learned Paska is so critical about this simple act of honesty by these ministers, what alternative advice or course of action would he have given to the minister in such a situation?
Would Paska himself have surrendered in the same manner these ministers did? 
I am sure many of our people are either confused or do not understand what was happening at this point in time.
For Paska to make such petty outburst would not help our people understand the real issues.
He used so much jargon and colourful words in his speech that he confused many of us.
I urge him to come down to our level and provide simple helpful advice and comments. 
Our learned elites are often so hyped up with their acquired mindset that they prefer to practise what their minds dictate to them rather than be guided by the heart and wisdom.
Let us all take time to look at any given situation carefully before making appropriate decisions and not prematurely opening our mouths and act on our emotions and frustrations.
