Outgoing commander thanks people for help

Outgoing Northern police commander acting Supt Daniel Yangen (left) handing over the operations responsibility to the new commander Chief Insp Ewa Segi during the handover parade at Popondetta Police Station on Friday. – Picture supplied

OUTGOING Northern police commander acting Supt Daniel Yangen has thanked the people of Northern and its police officers for their support during his two-year term.
Supt Yangen told a farewell parade on Friday that it was important for the police force and the community to work together to maintain order and ensure laws were not broken.
He also welcomed the new commander Chief Inspt Ewa Segi and urged him to protect the rights of the people and serve them.
Supt Yangen appealed to the people to make good decisions and to help each other to build the province.
He said when police officers followed their code of ethics, acted transparently and with accountability, they would enforce the law sensibly and earn the respect and trust of the people and businesses.
“The police force is a disciplined force and command and control must always be our number one priority,” he said.
“You all must obey authority at all times and must be transparent in your decision making.
“We must always try our best to be blameless.
“Always work with pride and try to take ownership of what you do on and off duty.” Supt Yangen said police would be expected to work overtime during Christmas.