Over 50 health professionals complete training on vaccine roll-out


MORE than 50 health professionals from Morobe’s nine districts completed a two-day training programme on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine roll-out in Lae.
The Australian High Commission said in a statement that the training was supported through the Papua New Guinea and Australia partnership (PNG-Aust partnership).
It said training was important in the second phase of Morobe’s vaccination roll-out as new vaccines became available.
“The purpose of the training was to ensure Morobe’s health workforce is ready to manage and administer the Covid-19 vaccines – AstraZeneca, Sinopharm and Johnson and Johnson,” the Australian High Commission said.
“Information on the Covid-19 awareness and social mobilisation, as well as the storage, handling and administration of the vaccines, documentation and reporting of adverse events following immunisation were provided as part of the training.
“Awareness and social mobilisation across the nine districts in Morobe will take place later this month.” The training was conducted in collaboration with the Morobe health authority, Health Department, the World Health Organisation, Defence Australia, PNG Defence Force-Kumul Karim and World Vision.
Morobe health authority chief executive officer Dr Kipas Binga, Angau Hospital clinicians and partners working on the Covid-19 response and vaccine roll-out led the Australian medical assistance team on a visit to key emergency and clinical care facilities in Lae last week.
The team visited Angau Hospital and the Covid-19 site at Sir Ignatius Kilage Stadium, including the emergency department, infectious disease wards and medical waste management systems.