Panel discusses importance of security for investment


PEOPLE are now looking at countries to invest which can provide the best security, says a panelist during the European Union (EU) – Papua New Guinea business and investment conference.
While speaking during a panel discussion on the topic of doing business in PNG, panel member Wayne Golding said countries were considering security when looking at investment options.
“With the global disruptions that are happening now especially between China and the United States and to an extent, Europe, people are looking at countries that can provide security,” Golding said.
“Factors that impact security are political stability, legal rights, stability in policy and the consumer buying power.”
Golding said the critical factor was consumer buying power in Papua New Guinea.
“The drop in consumer buying power over the last two and a half years is estimated to be about 30 to 35 per cent coupled with high level of inflation,” he said.
“As a result our unit sales are dropping dramatically.”