Papua rep talks trade during visit to Morobe


Governor of Papua Province in Indonesia Lukas Enembe wants to establish economic ties with Morobe and Papua New Guinea.
He said this during a visit to Lae yesterday where he met with Morobe Governor Ginson Saonu.
Enembe was accompanied by Indonesian Ambassador Ronald Manik and discussed possibilities in trade and relationships with Morobe. It included commercial trading links involving sea and air transport services, and a railway linking the Mamose region to Jayapura,
Enembe was also interested in exchange programmes in sports, especially rugby league and music.
He said that opening trade relationships with Mamose and PNG was something he was keen on pushing forward.
“I will do my best to discuss with our authorities in Indonesia to open sea and air services to not only Morobe, but also in some Pacific Islands too,” Enembe said.
“If we can do it, it is one way we can expand the economic relationships between Morobe, PNG and our Pacific region with Papua Province.”
Enembe said if air service relationships were established, PNG citizens travelling to Singapore could take the shorter route to Jayapura rather than Brisbane, Australia.
He wants to establish a shipping route from Jayapura to Wewak, Manus, Madang, Lae and return.
“In shipping business, can Morobe assist us to facilitate for a piece of land to build a storage facility?” Enembe said.
He asked for Morobe and Madang to supply 20,000 heads of cattle to feed an estimated 70,000 participants who would participate in a major sporting tournament in Papua in 2020.