Parkop addresses feedback of betel nut ban

National, Normal

The National, Tuesday July 29th, 2014

 SINCE National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop had banned the sale and consumption of betel nuts in the city last October, he has received numerous feedback, both good and bad.

People in the city, Central and Gulf who had relied on the betel nut trade have continuously called for Parkop to find a long-term alternative that will work for all parties rather than taking an aggressive approach.

“The ban is still a success because we’ve degraded the bad sides of betel nuts but the main problem is the smuggling,” Parkop said.

“We cannot change people’s behaviour overnight and we are not stopping them from selling or chewing but we want them to be responsible by doing what they enjoy.

“What we are concerned about is the cleanliness of our city and health and safety of our people and despite our efforts to achieve a simple outcome, we are spending so much money that could be used on something worthwhile such as education, health, schools, roads and public transport systems.”

The alternative came last Friday when NCD inked a deal with a company that will properly regulate the sale and consumption of betel nuts.

Askopina Ltd, based in Gordon, will control all betel nut trade between city vendors and growers and suppliers from Central and Gulf.

Although, the new concept will be used on a trial and error basis, Parkop is adamant that the betel nut law will remain.