Parkop sees election of new Motu-Koitabu leader a good sign


NATIONAL Capital District Governor Powes Parkop has congratulated the newly-elected chairman of the Motu-Koitabu Assembly, Dadi Toka Junior, saying it represented a “generational change”.
“The election of Dadi Toka Junior as chairman represents a generational change that should be welcomed by all in the Motu-Koitabu community and our city as a whole,” Parkop said.
“I hope this will signify a change in the drive and energy to lift the Motu and Koitabu villages. We need to bring the villages to be on par with developments taking place in rest of the city.”
Parkop thanked Opao Udia for his leadership during his short stint as acting chairman leading up to the elections. He also thanked others who contested the seat.
“Let me congratulate everyone for a clean and fair election. I also thank the former members,” he said.
Parkop wants to continue working with the assembly to modernise Motu-Koitabu villages. He said NCDC had funded projects in some of the villages. Work on a market in Hanuabada costing K4 million has already started. He assured Toka and the assembly that the commission will provide grants and other benefits.