Partnership boost for healthcare in Hela, doctor says


MORE people in Hela will be able to access healthcare in their communities as the provincial health authority (PHA) continues to work with its partners, a doctor says.
The establishment of PHA was about improving health service delivery and the public-private partnership was crucial at the PHA level in achieving that, Hela PHA chief executive Dr James Kintwa said.
Hela is one of the top three health service performers in the country because, “the PHA maintained a robust partnership with its stakeholders”, Dr Kintwa told Christian Health Services (CHS) agencies managers.
He said PHA was working with communities, the government, which included the district development authorities (DDA) in the province, church health services, private sectors, which included resource developers, and non-governmental organisations.
“With shared outcomes, the partners were open with the resources they had and were bringing to the table. Using the resources for their intended purposes and reporting were important,” Dr Kintwa said.
He said there was accountability and transparency and partners trusted each other.
In encouraging CHS agencies managers to effectively work with their respective PHAs in their provinces, he said: “Earning the trust of partner organisations is important.
“As Christians working in the offices, the faith in God each one of us has enables us to build good relationships. We represent the people and not ourselves and must do so genuinely.”