Party hopes to improve living standards


THE Country Party hopes to focus on improving the standard of living in the country in 2019, says its president Nelson Duwabane.
“It is important that we consider the risks of too much emphasis on social and welfare policies and recreational infrastructures that cannot generate wealth to underpin the economy and support social programmes,” he said.
“As we move towards the midterm of election 2017, we must be confidence that the economy is growing, more employment and income earning opportunities are provided and the future of rural area is attractive and people
have access to real government services.
“In 2019, the Country Party will continue to advocate for strong grass roots access and benefit right across PNG and will continue to provide a voice to our financial members, voters and supporters and those involved in farming.”
The party will continue to push for the completion of the Trans-Islands Highway to connect the missing links of Malalaua, Kaintiba and Aseki to complete the Gulf to Morobe Highway, Duwabane said.
“The road can also connect to Marawaka and Okapa in EHP that would ease access to government social and economic services and to ensure market access for the agricultural produces.”
Duwabane said the party had also been involved in the election laws and systems consultation by the Constitution and Law Reform Commission by giving its verbal and written submissions.
It wanted to see reforms in boundaries redistribution, election petition disputes to be quasi-legal with cases dealt on facts and evidence and not thrown out on technical and wording issues in petitions.