Paska call crticised


So Trade Union Congress president John Paska is appealing to Bougainvilleans to vote to remain with PNG.
There are many outstanding issues Paska has failed to address, yet he still seems bent on appealing to Bougainvilleans to vote to remain with PNG.
What has Paska done with the high tax rate? Papua New Guinea has one of the lowest minimum wages in the world.
Bougainvilleans are not members of the Trade Union Congress that Paska should believe he has the right to advise or appeal to them.
Let Bougainvilleans decide for themselves which political status they prefer.
Bougainvilleans have been wanting independence since the 1950s.
They have had two unsuccessful unilateral declarations of independence, in 1975 and 1990.
Let them decide their own political future.
Stay out John Paska. You are not even the prime minister.

Newman Haunu

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