Peaceful protests: True reflection of democracy

Editorial, Normal


US Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
WHEN historians write about social and political progress in the United States, they devote special attention to the important role played by peaceful protests and demonstrations.
America has always been a diverse country of many different religions, races and political points of view; peaceful protest has been one of the most effective ways available for us to publicly express our hopes, our aspirations and, when necessary, our disagreements with our government and its representatives.
For many Americans today, the phrase “protest march” brings back memories of eloquent and forceful mass demonstrations advancing civil rights and opposing the Vietnam war during the sixties and seventies. It evokes Dr Martin Luther King’s famous 1963 march on Washington, when he delivered the “I have a dream” speech
which captured the imagination of the American people; it led to political, legal and social reforms
that changed the whole
nature of our society.
But the history of American protest movements is long and rich and goes back to before independence in 1776; in fact, it was public protests against unjust taxes levied by our British colonial overlords that set the stage for the American revolution.
Americans view a society’s capacity for holding such peaceful protests as a mark of its political maturity. In fact, they are as important to the democratic process as other freedoms such as freedom of the press.
Elections play a central role in democracy, but what if elected officials do not listen to their constituents?
What if citizens feel a government is violating the constitution, or acting unjustly, or abusing its powers?
Waiting for an election may not be sufficient. A free people must be able to dramatise its deepest desires and discontents, to register them with unresponsive leaders, officials and legislators, to sing and chant and shout about perceived injustice and unresponsiveness. Society can also do this through the written word, through the media, at meetings and in telephone calls and in friendly conversations at the supermarket, but none of these carry the same impact as a peaceful mass protest.
On Tuesday, May 4, Papua New Guinea society took an important step forward towards greater political maturity when 4,000-7,000 citizens took to the streets to peacefully petition the government to withdraw the bill proposing amendments that, they believe, would restrict the powers, functions and responsibilities of the Ombudsman Commission, the so-called Maladina amendments, the first time a mass political protest of this sort has taken place in Papua New Guinea.
I do not judge here the legal or political issues which inspired the protest, or whether the government was right or wrong, matters for PNG’s voters and elected officials to decide. But, as an American, I was impressed with how naturally, rapidly and vigorously the people of Papua New Guinea moved to organise a peaceful protest against actions proposed by their government.
It was a dignified protest and should make its participants, and all of Papua New Guinea, immensely proud.
Political protests of this sort are not signs of an alienated or cynical public; instead, they signify a public that has confidence in the institutions and freedoms of their country, a public willing to take steps to preserve their integrity in the face of challenge. It also illustrates again that freedom of speech and freedom of expression are alive and well in PNG, unlike in some neighbouring countries such as Fiji.
The May 4 protest reminded me of some of the most inspiring moments in American history. In particular, it reminded me of the civil rights marches I observed and participated in as a young man. And, it brought back vivid memories of the long and noble history of marches in Washington DC, my hometown, demonstrations and protests over the issues that have concerned the American people such as war, abortion, gay rights, gender equality and taxes.
On May 4, the people of PNG  made clear they have an important message for their government. It is the responsibility of the government of PNG to listen.