Pelgen gives water tanks to Lutheran group

Nawaeb MP Theo Pelgen (seated front), with the congregation members of the Mewan Memorial Lutheran church in front of the two 9,000-litre water tanks that were donated to the congregation members last Friday. – Nationalpic by JIMMY KALEBE

NAWAEB MP Theo Pelgen through the district authority’s initiative to support churches, supplied two 9,000L tanks to a church group at Ahi’s ward 12 in Lae on Friday.
It is understood that Mewan memorial Lutheran Church and its congregation members have, over the years, contributed cash and kind towards constructing their church building, Sunday school and office building.
The church building was opened previously while the three Sunday school classrooms and three office spaces were opened on May 12.
“This shows what these congregation members can do.
“They did their part and then asked for government and other authorities to help and this is the right approach,” said MP Pelgen.
He said the congregation members built the buildings and that was a very great effort from the community there.
The two 9,000L water tanks were brought in together with four toilet pots donated by a local company to the Mewan congregation.
“Over the years, communities there do not have adequate access to clean water so the two tanks that we supplied to them will assist not only the church area but the entire community there,” he said.
Coupled with that, Pelgen said the Nawaeb development authority (DDA) will also support them with three blackboards for the three classrooms and three tables as well.
He said the DDA spent K4,200 each for the two tanks and asked the community of Mewan congregation to take care of the tanks and ensure people benefit well from them.
Meanwhile church elder Anzi Moarapi said the congregation started in 2014 and between that time and 2016, there had been fighting and killings going on that the Back Road area.
“Now we have a new church building and have been using it.
“Last Thursday, we celebrated the congregation’s 10th anniversary,” said Moarapi.
He thanked the DDA and MP Pelgen for the assistance and asked congregation members of Mewan Memorial Lutheran Church to ensure the assets were used wisely.