People in the dark about US-PNG pact


A GOVERNMENT by the people, for the people and of the people is always expected to act in the best interests of its people.
Such government is one that is always ready to seek the opinion of the people it is representing before making any decisions.
When the government wants to introduce a new bill, pass a law, sign an agreement, make a policy or carry out a certain task, it must first and foremost consult the people.
Through consultation, the people give their views on what they think and whether they agree or disagree on the matter at hand.
Consultation is very important because it will ensure that people are aware of what is really happening within their country.
In Papua New Guinea, one of the major issues that we always complain about our government is its failure to consult the people before making decisions, signing agreements, making policies and passing legislations.
People only protest and go against government’s decision when they are in a state of confusion or feel that it is not in their best interests.
It is wise that the government must always have consultation with the people and act in their best interests.
Government must not assume that every decision it reaches will go down well with the people.
A government that listens to its people is a government that does not go wrong.
This is a humble request to our government to always consult people and get their consent on matters of national interests.

Tee Hoffman