People are still waiting for action on ridiculous fares


STUDENTS from Taurama attending schools in the city still pay the return adult fare of K4 daily out of Taurama beach to Manu Auto Port.
This concern was raised in this paper in late September 2016, for authorities to take action but nothing has been done since.
Some of the PMV buses that operate along this short route which only takes 20 minutes, are not road worthy, unregistered and illegal.
If you are serious about catching your preys, turn up early at Manu Auto Port.
You will end the morning with more catches.
Don’t waste taxpayer’s money and make motorists frustrated by putting up road blocks at locations of your choice and convenience and during peak hours. This concern is just one speck of the public transport system’s problems in the city.
Port Moresby is developing so the city’s public transport system must be revamped to commensurate with the level of change.
Are you waiting for 2050 or the right time? If so, you will more likely wait forever.
It’s time NCDC be empowered by law to introduce nothing short of a reliable modern public transport system befitting of a city and private operators be subjected to it.
If authorities keep passing the buck, then just let things be as always.

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