PM praises country’s first ‘low-cost’ LLG elections


PRIME Minister James Marape said the 2019 LLG elections were the first low-cost election conducted in the country.
Marape, who arrived from Australia after a week-long State visit, said the Government allocated only K30 million for the election.
He said there was limited funding available for security operations, police and the Defence Force.
The prime minister said despite the negativity, the nation had proven them wrong when a free and fair election was conducted.
He commended the people for observing a trouble-free election despite a few problems encountered. He said in the face of economic and revenue constraints and tightness, people throughout the country had delivered well.
“Everyone must know that we have delivered the 2019 LLG elections in the most peaceful way that I have seen in a long time,” he said.
“But provincial governments (22) across the country and district administrations (89 ) as well as many public servants and local policemen and women and our people rallied around and ensured that they’ve delivered the election that is testament to our all Melanesian resolve.”