PMGH commissions new neurosurgery microscope


PORT Moresby General Hospital now has a neurosurgery microscope to advance neurosurgery.
It’s new K700,000 Carl Zeiss Pentero 800 Neuro microscope from Germany, funded by the Government, was commissioned by Health and HIV/AIDS Minister Elias Kapavore and hospital board’s acting chairman Kathy Johnston yesterday.
Trainee neurosurgeon Dr Esther Apauhe said they had been using equipment that were purchased in 1975.
“The new equipment will make examination easier for all doctors to carry out their task accurately and more neatly and will stop our patients going overseas and spending extra money,” she said.
Apauhe said they needed more support from the Government and other partners to train more specialists.
Kapavore urged PMGH to submit its plans so he could address issues.
PMGH is a level seven hospital playing the role of level one up to level 6 for the country.