PMSA resumes 2021 campaign, 2022 season to follow


THE Port Moresby Soccer Association will resume its 2021 campaign this weekend with organisers looking to host two seasons this year.
Association general-secretary George Bukoya told The National that the remaining four weekends of competition from last year would resume this weekend with the 2022 season to follow afterwards.
“We want to end our 2021 season since it was cut short due to the Coronavirus,” he said.
“So this weekend’s games will be a resumption of last year’s season and that should run for four weeks.
“Straight after those matches, we will go into the 2022 season, so it will be like back-to-back campaigns and there won’t be any breaks.
“That’s something that has been missing from our competition for some time now.” Bukoya said a club delegates meeting would be held today with clubs and officials to sort administrative and competition matters before resumption this weekend.
“We will inform the club delegates of the venue of the meeting,” he said.
“This is an important meeting for all the clubs because it will allow us to work on our constitution so that our matches run smoothly this year.
“From this meeting, we can write a rule book that we can follow and that’s something that has not been happening for some time.
“Basically, this is will be the time for the administration and clubs to do some housekeeping and organise our executives to resume the season.”