PNG attending climate change conference in Germany


Papua New Guinea is among other countries currently taking part in the United Nations climate change conference’s 56th session of subsidiary bodies in Bonn, Germany.
Climate Change & Development Authority (CCDA) said the conference started this week to lay the groundwork for the next conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. PNG was represented by a team of technical negotiators from the CCDA, PNG Forest Authority, National Energy Authority and the Department of Works and Highways.
“The conference focuses on work in the key areas of climate change mitigation and adaptation, support to developing countries, particularly in finance and loss and damages but also looks at other key issues such as the future of carbon markets, energy security and just transition,” PNG’s climate change special envoy Ruel Yamuna said.
Yamuna said PNG’s priority was on the implementation of the Paris Agreement with the rule book passed in the last climate change conference, COP26 while taking stock of some of the country’s issues relating to implementation.
“Enabling framework is now set with PNG’s amended Climate Change Management Act (CCMA) recently gazetted.
“The outstanding elements of the rule book such as that of Article 6.2 and Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement will enable regulations development in the country,” he said.