PNG Power looks to improve EasiPay vendor system


PNG Power Limited is reshaping and reforming its EasiPay vendor system as a target area under its revenue structure, says chief commercial officer Dr Nigel Booker.
Booker said with the current system, PPL had no visibility on the power credits being purchased, by which customer or how much money was coming in through this service. He said the current credit system would be turned around so vendors were required to purchase electricity upfront from PPL before selling it to customers.
“The current system is that the vendors need to do their reconciliation and tell us they have sold this worth of credits, however, we don’t hear about that for weeks, months even years,” he said.
“When you buy the EasiPay coupon, in your mind naturally you assume that say K500 credits is coming to me so PPL owes you K500 worth of credits.
“We are pumping out electricity to you that you bought, which is your legal consumption right, but we don’t know anything about it – which vendor did you get it from, who owes PPL that money.
“It is a credit system and we are now turning this around.
“All the vendors will provide me that money upfront and then we burn down that credit as they sell it to you (customers).
“That way, you can be assured that the money you pay is in PPL’s account and being used to maintain your electricity supply.
“So with every current vendor, we are reviewing, reassessing and rewriting the agreements that we have with them.”