PNG Power starts preparations for transmission lines project


PNG Power has started work on procuring materials for the construction of the transmission lines from Popondetta to Girua Airport in Northern.
Acting chief executive Douglas Magea said the construction was scheduled to start next February.
The Ijivitari district, with assistance from the Department of National Planning and Monitoring, secured K3.5 million for the extension of the rural electrification programme which will include street lighting.
Ijivitari MP Richard Masere last month allocated K100,000 to start the lighting project in Popondetta town from Haijo bridge to Ambogo bridge (Double Cross) covering a good portion of the town.
He said the rural electrification programme needed to be rolled out for Girua airport and nearby areas.
Masere said the district was able to extend the rural electrification programmes.
He said the power project was timely because with the redevelopment of the airport, electricity would boost the markets and small businesses.
Masere said it was an important project for the people of Ijivitari and Oro, and thanked PNG Power for partnering with his district to deliver the services.