PNGDF standards improve through partnership, Toropo says

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THE standard of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) has improved vastly through a partnership with the Australian Defence Force over the last three years, says Commander Major-General Gilbert Toropo.
“We have witnessed significant infrastructure developments in the barracks throughout the country and achieved tangible capacity-building activities that enhanced our operational capacity for the past 32 months through the support of the programme,” Toropo said.
He said under the leadership of head of ADF staff Col James Kidd, flight of excellence was established with all the safety framework in place for the PNGDF Air Transport Wing after years of ignorance.
The air service was ready for operations after the first flight was conducted on Sept 22 and received air operation certificate last month.
“The flights of excellence is a huge undertaking and I am pleased with the progress and the future opportunities that exist in the unit to support the PNGDF capability,” Toropo said.
He said the military received four new Guidant class patrol boats under the Pacific Maritime Security Programme while recent infrastructure development project at Lombrum Naval Base on Manus would transform its outlook and support maritime operations.
ADF also carried our major infrastructure projects at Igam Barracks with road-sealing and installation of street lights, and refurbishments and renovation work at Murray Barracks’ single quarters, Toropo said.
“The commitment by our partners is unprecedented with unit affiliations to improve our professional capacity development,” Toropo said.
“I thank Col Kidd for being flexible to adjust to some of our programme.
“It was the significant investment where PNGDF now has the capacity and resource to develop itself and through the leadership provided by Col Kidd.”