Police arrest school chairman over fight


A SCHOOL board chairman responsible for the Covid-19 awareness drive in his village was arrested for allegedly breaching state of emergency (SOE) regulations in Milne Bay, acting Southern police commander Chief Supt John Maru says.
“The chairman was also arrested at Losuia Station, Trobriand Islands, for allegedly instigating a fight with Losuia Police Station commander Chief Sgt Mark Beba when he was stopped from selling betel nuts at the market,” Chief Supt Maru said. “Under the SOE, there should not be any selling of betel nuts to avoid crowding.
“And the school chairman should know better.
“After all, his school is taking the lead in carrying out awareness in his remote village.”
Chief Supt Maru said the chairman was among eight villagers to be arrested for allegedly breaching the SOE orders and for bashing up Beba and three police reservists.
“Beba and his men had stopped them from selling betel nuts at the Losuia Station market when carrying out awareness on the Covid-19 last Saturday,” he said.
“The market was closed to prevent crowding as required under the Covid-19 SOE orders.
“But betel nut sellers had defied the SOE orders to sell betel nuts there and attacked the police officers with stick, stones and knives when the officers told them to stop. Beba is now receiving medical attention for sustaining bruised ribs.”

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