Police CID needs support

Letters, Normal

The National, Tuesday October 20th, 2015

 I AM a former police detective and now work as an investigator with a respected security company in Lae 

I am appalled by the Police Department’s lack of assistance and insight into the work of the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of which the police forensic  unit and police intelligence fall under. 

During my time as a police detective, a crime officer accompanied a detective to the crime scene.

For those not familiar with what a crime scene officer does is basically, he inspects and gathers evidence. It can be fingerprints on the door or semen on the bed or blood stain on the louver blades. Such evidence help to prove or disprove a case. 

For too long we talk about police case been thrown out of court because of lack of evidence but I believe that winning court cases depends on solid evidence and good police intelligence. 

Not all cases will have eye witnesses and that’s when scientific evidence can be relied upon. 

How long will the CID be kept at the bottom of the police priority list? 

The scientific unit needs to be equipped with vehicles, manpower  and tools.

The core function of the police force is to protect life and property but it must also ensure that criminals must be arrested and brought before the court and be convicted on strong evidence. 


Tom Chinau
