Police investigating break-in at refugee camp


POLICE in Manus are investigating a break-in at the storeroom of a service provider at the refugee camp at West Lorengau.
Police commander Chief Inspector David Yapu said they suspected that refugees could be behind the incident where mattresses, pillows and bed linens were stolen. The incident occurred last Wednesday night.
He said three suspects had been identified and would be questioned.
Yapu said the refugees should respect the contractor providing accommodation and services to them.
He said police would deal with them according to the law and reminded them to respect the laws of the country.
Meanwhile, he said a man was arrested for alleged sexual touching. “We have created a Sexual Offence Unit and conducted awareness on sexual offences. People have come forward to report cases to police,” he said.
He said most of the victims of sexual abuses were under-aged. That was a concern, he said.